Sunday, December 20, 2009

My engagement

Yes. I am now officially single, but definitely NOT AVAILABLE. hehe. Pada hari Ahad 20hb Disember 2009. I got engaged. Alhamdulillah.

My fiancee is Furzani Paee or Pujen for short. The ceremony was in Muar, Johor. She went back to Malaysia but I didn't. I was in my room at 3am watching the web cam through Skype. Did not get the chance to see the ceremony from start to finish. But alhamdulillah, apparently everything went well.

Sharing some pics that I got from my web cam:

- Furzani posing for me atas pentas kecil (tak pasti kena panggil ape).
- Furzani malu2? :p

- Again, posing malu segan. ececeh...
- Showing off the bling2. kiri cincin belah rotan (merisik), kanan cincin tunang.

- Gambar dari jauh, hantaran2 di tengah2 living room, pentas di hujung.
- Org ramai makan2. My rombongan cecah 40 org rasanya. huhu. ramai benar.

- makanan2

- yg menyuap adalah PakTeh, pakcik Furzani. sengal benar bersuap depan daku. huhu. takpe2. sabar2. bulan 6 nanti insyaAllah :)

Terima kasih kepada keluarga daku yg telah merestui pertunangan ini. Terima kasih kepada rombongan daku yg telah sudi dtg memeriahkan majlis pertunangan daku. Terima kasih juga kepada keluarga Furzani yg telah bersusah payah membuat persediaan utk majlis ini. Syukur kepada Allah kerana majlis telah berjalan lancar.

Ya Allah yg Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang, redhai lah pertemuan, perhubungan dan jalinan kami ini. Berilah kekuatan kepada kami agar kami sentiasa mengingatiMu. Lindungilah kami dari gangguan syaitan dan dosa. Ya Allah, berilah petunjuk kepada kami agar kami dapat membina sebuah keluarga muslim yg sentiasa bersyukur kepadaMu. Hanya kepadaMu lah ya Allah, kami memohon segala petunjuk, bantuan dan ampunan. Amiin.

I share this news with all. Please make doa for us. Thank you. May Allah bless you.

best2 yeah!

p/s: profile relationship status di Facebook telah diubah from "In a relationship" to "Engaged to Furzani Paee" <3 :)

Friday, December 11, 2009

In memory of Mohd Ariff Abdul Kadir

Mohd Ariff Abdul Kadir (22/03/1986-11/12/2009)

Inna lillahi wa inna ilaihi raji’un…
”Dari Allah kita datang,dan kepadaNya kita kembali“

Arep is a dear friend of many. I knew him from Nottingham. It was a shock to hear the news of his accident. A tragic end to what supposed to be the happiest day of his life.

Allah s.w.t. loves him more. May Allah forgive his sins and grant him the heavens. May Allah places him, his parents and his friend in that accident among those of of the highest believers. Amiin.

News from bernama here.
News from hmetro here.
Blog post K-yo here and here.

Buletin Utama (first day coverage):

A song for you, my friend:

Sedih benar berita ini. Tangisan mata dtg dan pergi. Tak tenteram daku dibuatnya. Senyuman comel Arep tidak lah dapat daku lihat lagi...

Ingatlah, kematian itu pasti. Tidaklah kita dapat mengelaknya, menangguhnya dan juga mengetahui bila ia akan berlaku. Dan bila tiba masa kita, tidaklah apa2 yg dapat membantu kita selain pahala yg kita sedang kumpul di dunia ini. Takutkan lah azab Allah, bersihkan diri dari dosa. Hidup ini sementara dan org yg bijak adalah mereka yg senantiasa mengingati mati dan membuat persediaan ke arah kematian itu.

Semoga kehilangan Arep dapat mengingatkan kita tentang kematian kita sendiri.


Saturday, December 05, 2009

Just one of those days - FORGOT MY PASSWORD!

Today was not a good day. Made a lot of silly things. Let me tell you what happened today...

First incident was this morning - I told the bus driver that I wanted to go to Sainsburry but actually, I wanted to go to the Royal Mail post office to collect my parcel. It was the just the next stop, but since I clearly told the bus driver that I wanted to go to Sainsburry, he stopped at Sainsburry and chose not to proceed the bus. I at first did not notice that he stopped because of me. I fortunately, a couple minutes later, after he stopped realised this. I blurrly walked to the bus driver and said with a dumb face "Excuse me, can you let me down here...". As soon as I got off the bus, the bus moved. I think the other passengers were a little pissed at me. But I can never know because I never really got to look at the other passengers. But sure enough, from the look on the face of the bus driver, he was not pleased. huhu. sorry!

Credit to miss Pujen for this incident too because I was talking to her on the phone the entire time when the bus stopped at the Sainsburry's bus stop. hehe.

Second incident - An incident on the bus to go back home. I paid the driver my fare and tried to take the ticket/receipt from the ticket machine. I forcefully pulled the ticket until the roll moved a little. The bust driver raised his voice and said "Excuse me! Just let me get that for you // Just let me tear that // Tear it carefully // Just leave it". All the (//) was to show that I did not really hear what he said. I just replied "Okay", leaving the ticket and went inside the bus to get a seat. I bet the bus driver was not pleased at all with my blurry dumb attitude. huhu. sorry!

Third incident - I was going to get down from the bus when Faizal (whom I accompanied to go to Sainsburry) said that he wanted to get down on the next stop. He told me to carry his groceries to home. I shortly and promptly said yes, but when the bus stopped, I just got down and left the bag. I realised that I did not take Faizal's groceries bag from him only after I had got off the bus. Faizal was a little weirded out from my actions when I apologised to him at home later on after that.

Well, at least I did say thanks to the unpleased bus driver when I got down. Faizal is one of my housemates btw. He wanted to get down on the next stop to go to Tesco.

The parcel that I went to collect was the day light bulb at the left. The bulb at the right was bought at PoundSaver. Cheap but not that bright. I am now using the new bulb I bought at Amazon for my room. It is now very bright. White light. No yellow light anymore :)

I was hoping that the sillyness of the day ended with the bus incidents, but it did not. When I came back from my lab, I tried to open my YM and yahoo mail account like normal. But today is just one of those days, so I decided to forget the new password that I recently change. Argh!. Geram, bengang, sengal, mengong, stupid. uhuh. Fortunately, my computer still remembers my password, so I can still sign in for now. I accessed my email and saved all my contacts. I even created a new email and forwarded all the email from my normal email to this new email account.

Old Email:
New Email:

I intentionally created a similar email address to hopefully ease people into the new email. huhu. No notification yet on the email change. Still hoping that I could access the change your password option. If only I can remember the answer to the security question: What was my pet's name?. uhuh. I cannot remember what name I put as the answer. uhh.

Sengal la hari ni. Tak dapat buat keje langsung. huhu.

kurang best2 yeah!

Late entry: Just realised that I was wearing my ear muffs this morning during all three incidents. It might just be that the ear muffs were too tight and pressed my brain too much that made me not think properly, making me behaving in such a ridiculous manner.

Or maybe the ear muffs made me hear less of what people around me are saying. The first bus driver must have called me to get down before I realised I was supposed to get down. The second bus driver... well, it is very well possible that did not hear him because I wore the ear muffs. With Faizal... no explanation but maybe the muffs just made me dumb.

But don't get me wrong. I am still going to wear the ear muffs because it makes my ears warm and cosy :)