Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hasil Ramadhan

Apakah hasil Ramadhan kita?

Menurut al-Quran surah al-Baqarah, ayat 183 yg bermaksud:
"Wahai orang-orang yang beriman! Diwajibkan ke atas kamu berpuasa sebagaimana diwajibkan atas orang sebelum kamu agar kamu bertakwa"

Dari ayat ini, jelas lah puasa itu wajib utk org2 yg beriman. Dan jelas juga lah, sepatutnya hasil utama berpuasa itu adalah peningkatan takwa kepada Allah SWT :)

Benar lah itu. Wallahu'alam.

Random pic from the net: Budak yg comel, menyambut hari raya.

InsyaAllah hasil utama Ramadhan kali ini adalah peningkatan takwa diri kepada Allah. Akan tetapi, itu bukan lah urusan sesiapa pun utk menentukan samada tambah byk, sikit atau menurun takwa seseorang dan mungkin jadi juga hasil puasanya adalah sia2, hanya lapar dan dahaga. Itu semua adalah urusan Allah. Semoga Allah menerima segala amal ibadah kita. insyaAllah.

Baik lah. Anyway, below is just the list of things that I learn from my Ramadhan, hasil Ramadhan kali ini. Harap bermanfaat utk diri sendri dan org lain jikalau dpt relate.

1. I learnt that I need to be more grateful and show my gratefulness to Allah. Bersyukur akan rezeki dan peluang utk sambung belajar dan peluang utk menyambut Ramadhan. Belajar sujud syukur. Say Alhamdulillah and mean it rather than a habit of saying.

2. I learnt that I need to always be istiqamah in reading the Quran and learn to check and correct my tajwid. Quran tafsir adalah syamil bertulisan resam uthmani, tiada tanda2 cara pembacaan seperti belajar ketika dulu. Quran baru ada warna utk tanda2 tajwid. Will finish this current tafsir first before reading the coloured one. Also, have to improve penghafalan. insyaAllah akan membantu jua memori utk perkara2 lain.

3. I learnt that I need to do more qiam. Juga, Ramadhan lepas agak kurang puas berterawih. Qiam mmg kurang dari sepatutnya. Rasa mcm terlepas aje malam lailatul qadar. Huhu. Sedih2.

4. I learnt that Ramadhan is the main highlight of a muslim’s year. Ini adalah disebagaikan solat fardhu 5 waktu adalah highlight of a muslim’s day. Hightlight which means that other things that we do, are circling these highlight. If we miss the highlights, we would be very unfortunate like there is no point in everything else. Remember, solat adalah tiang agama kerana ia merupakan ibadah yg diambil kira terlebih dahulu dari amal ibadah yg lain. Berpuasa and berbuat perkara2 baik di bulan Ramadhan sahajakah? Adakah beribadah bagaikan Allah berada di bulan Ramadhan sahaja? Semoga dapat istiqamah dlm amal ibadah.

5. I learnt that I need to always jaga perhubungan sesama manusia. Apabila melakukan kesalahan, senantiasalah berusaha utk membaikkan perhubugan dgn segera. No delays. Menjaga perhubungan juga relate kpd menunaikan hak. Setiasalah ringan tulang utk membantu, memberi nasihat, dan berbual perkara2 yg baik. Sentiasa juga mesti menjaga hati agar sentiasa bersangka baik terhadap org lain yg baru dan lama kenal.

6. I learnt that must always remember to do amar maaruf nahi mungkar. Basic stuff, kekadang lupa. Tidak perlu tunggu diri perfect utk memberi nasihat. Akan tetapi, diri mesti sentiasa berusaha ke arah kebaikan.

7. I learnt that fasting is not a reason for a person to do less work than usual. Atau membuat kerja dgn kurang kualiti. Fasting mmg meletihkan, tetapi jgn jadikan alasan kerana tanggungjawab tetap tanggungjawab. Semoga Allah menerima keikhlasan dlm beribadah.

8. I learnt that bersahur adalah lebih cemerlang jikalau berteman. Nak bangun pun lebih semangat. This is me btw, maybe some people prefer makan sorang2. Ikut lah mana yg suka.

9. I learnt that I must increase my visit to the mosque for jemaah prayers. Tiada kenderaan? Berjalan lah, masjid Victoria Park tidak lah jauh sgt. insyaAllah mahu tingkatkan kekuatan diri.

Ini saja yg dapat tulis, mungkin ada lagi. insyaAllah niat saya adalah baik. Dan sungguh, niat tanpa usaha adalah sia2. huhu.

Selamat berpuasa 6 di bulan Syawal.

best2 yeah!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Salam Aidilfitri

Maaf Zahir dan Batin.

best2 yeah!

Friday, September 11, 2009

Monday, September 07, 2009

Thinking before acting

Yes, this should be the policy of every person that could think properly. If you can't think properly, then just shut the hell up. Be quiet and let people who can think properly do it for you. Of course, the same goes with people who think they are thinking properly but actually are not. Most people are like this. With the few knowledge and wisdom they have, mixing it up with emotional and racist backgrounds, they became the front page of humiliation and embarrassment for a lot of people. Owh please, just shut the hell up.

My story:

It was a gathering at the school's main hall. Students are sitting in rows. And suddenly, this friend behind me wants to tell his friend a couple of rows in front of me about something (something that could wait actually). But instead of thinking properly, he just shouts out loud right behind me into my ears to his far away friend. I was just utterly shocked when this blasting voice suddenly filled my freaking ears. I was really like - WTH dude!!?. I did not do anything to him, but since the far away friend didn't hear what he said, he was going for a second shout. I was like, owh no you don't, you idiot! I quickly just tapped to guy in front of me and told him to tap on in front of him and call on the far away friend. The friend looked behind and the two friends talked normally (from a distance without any shouting) and all that wanted to be said was told.

Yeah, this is my small example of how you should have think before you act.

This post was written because of the recent news and events at Seksyen 23 where they had protested on the transfer of an Indian temple to their area by marching around with a slaughtered cow's head. These racist, idiotic people. They made such a commotion when things could be settled through peacefully, that is within the Islamic boundaries of tolerance to other religions and believes.

I hope these people could learn more about their religion and not become a racist in the multiracial and multireligion country Malaysia. If they do not want to learn, and still remain stubborn. The following comic is the final solution that I would like to propose to them.

To me, these people are ugly. Hey, that is just me.
Please do not reproduce so that the world could be a better place.

Side note:
Jikalau syaitan diikat di bulan Ramadhan. Adakah mereka2 ini sememangnya jahil dan dodorong oleh kejahilan itu dan bukan hasutan syaitan?

best2 yeah!