Wednesday, April 02, 2008

UKEC Careers Fair 2008

Last Sunday was UKEC careers fair. Dengan semangat yg agak down and confidence level yg rendah bersama2 tiada expectations, daku turun London utk ke fair tersebut. Turun London on Friday petang, lepas pinjam tie dari en Acap. Bermalam di tempat en Sofe, xroomate tersayang. ihiks. And naik Nottingham Isnin petang, terus ke Sutton Bonington.

On Saturday actually ada dinner bersama pegawai2 MARA. Ada officer, Tuan Haji Hassan Nurdin, Timbalan Ketua Pengarah Bahagian Pendidikan MARA dtg London utk interview students for UniKL. Dinner itu adalah satu pengalaman because, just suddenly, daku dan en Sofe diminta utk 'wakil' university dan duduk di meja VIP. Daku duduk di sebelah en Halim, the Ketua MARA di MSD London. wah2. Daku tak makan sgt malam tu, just because sebelum dtg ada makan lunch yg lewat and agak nervous. Lepas dinner kami pergi mendapatkan en Amir aka Ustaz dari tempat en Hafiz aka Bob di Bayswater.

Sunday lah is the day. Daku ke UCL bersama2 Ustaz dan en Sofe utk Careers Fair UKEC tersebut. Pegi lihat booths, pegi ambil goodies, berjumpa dengan rakan2 kenalan dan dikenalan. huhu. It was a good day. I registered myself with 3 interviews. Sofe had a walk in interview. But Ustaz, being a KPM student, just can't do much and just mingle around with people. He went to UniKL interview with me and en Fauzi though. It was quite a disappointment to him. I feel for him.

Monday was the busiest day? maybe? I managed to get myself into 3 interviews. Pagi itu pegi King's College utk UniKL. Interview group bersama2 Ustaz dan en Fauzi. Kemudian straightaway ke Bayswater MSD utk interview BP and lastly, daku adalah last interviewee utk SPA. Overall, I find the interviews are very entertaining. It may be because before going to interviews, I actually don't really expect anything. For all interviews, I play it cool. heh.

Hasil interviews adalah satu conditional offer letter dari SPA. They will contact me later from BP Healthcare Group. And my records are with them and I need to find a phD spot before contacting them again from UniKL. Still, I don't really know what to do.

Ya Allah, berilah petunjuk kepada saya utk memilih kerjaya masadepan yg baik supaya saya dapat terus beribadat kepadaMu. Amin.

best2 yeah!

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