New Hood:
The other day, the lab I'm working got a new hood. Daku melihat mereka2 memasang hood yg new and shiny itu. Hood lama ditolak ke tepi. Now, old hood for spore work only and new hood for non-spore work. Last picture is the equipment that is used to test the hood.
Usrah summer:
The other day, semasa menziarah rumah Faiz and Hazwang. Mereka menunjukkan daku lightsaber yg ada di rumah mereka. Bergambar seketika. Very cool.
Full Moon:
The other day, sebelum tidur, daku melihat full moon. Maybe not full moon sbb hari sebelumnya adalah nifsu Syaaban. Bulan penuh di tengah bulan.
Tikus di Michael Smith:
The other day, semasa daku berjalan2 di hallways Michael Smith daku terserempak dgn tikus kecil yg comel. Tried to take a picture of the little guy. You can just barely see the mouse. In between the two cupboard. Quite surprising about this, and I don't think people know about it. Well, people will find out once they find their food went missing or their documents have bite marks.
The other day, semasa daku menggunakan hood lama, daku perasan ada kalimatullah. I can't wipe it off. I know it is coincidental. Everytime I look at it, reminds me to check the time to go to pray. hehe.
The other day, daku beli Henry, the desk vacuum. Beli 10 pounds. It was cute but it does not really work at all. Simpan aje lah utk bagi hadiah kepada org. huhu.
Extracted DNA:
The other day, daku menangkap gambar2 DNA yg di dalam tube2 ini. Kena organise these DNA. DNA kena simpan di -20 C freezer.
The other day, daku beli tripod ini utk menangkap gambar2 plates seperti di atas ini. A good investment. Camera yg daku guna agak lama, tapi alhamdulillah masih boleh tangkap gambar2 yg berkualiti.
Liquid Nitrogen:
The other day, daku bermain dgn liquid nitrogen. Membuat awan dgn mencurah liquid nitrogen ke dalam air panas. best2 bermain.
Ada lagi gambar. Tapi for now, ini sudah cukup.
best2 yeah!
xleh pkai kasik hadiah kat org.
mmg bijak tahap phD
benda alah tu boleh dikategorikan sebagai "cute". So boleh la guna utk hiasan. hehe.
aku cuma mahu bijak berpada2. huhu.
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