Friday, June 12, 2009

The Corrs

This is just a simple post to tribute the Corrs. An Irish band of 4 siblings - Andrea (lead vocalist, tin whistle), Caroline (drums, bodhran, piano, vocals), Jim (keyboards, guitar, vocals) and Sharon (violin, vocals).

Toss The Feathers


Summer Sunshine

I just recently google them out. Official website here. I can't remember why, but now I downloaded quite a number of their songs and have them on playback. heh. That is how I do. Play the songs until I get bored of them. Not a good way to appreciate music in the long run.

Love the band, their talent and their clean music. They aren't performing anymore I think. Andrea is now going solo. My mum loves them too. I have always wanted to get her a Corrs CD to play in her car. Asyik lupa je.

My taste is music varies every time. English songs I like best. Malay songs are just a little bit too corny at times. I listen to everything, but I always try to make sure that the song is CLEAN. What do I mean by clean? I usually don't listen to lyrics but I try to make sure that they are clean from messages that could jeopardise my aqidah. I guess it is the least I can do since listening to music is at times melaghakan. huhu.

- had dinner with Ai Ling the other day. A good friend from KMB. May smiles be with you always. owh wait, you must always recieve smiles since you're a dentist. So, may smiles with good teeth be with you always. Or bad teeth if you prefer that - I'm not judging. The dinner was good fun :)
- Belfast trip mmg mengelirukan and membawa sedikit suspens dan drama minggu ini. Ada ketika En Pijie kata Belfast trip cancelled. Kemudian, tidak lah pula cancelled. uhuh. Daku baru tadi beritahu supervisor yg daku mahu reschedule meeting on Friday. Alhamdulillah, beliau membenarkan. Belfast is the first trip outside England this year. Most probably be the only one since I don't have any other plans to travel. huhu.
- Random statement: Summer is a time for loitering and laziness, not for study. Agree?

best2 yeah!


Naqiuddin Zairi said...

thank you! :)

ihsan_huhu said...

i got here through a naq-ailing google alert

wooo, gosip lama kembali lagi