Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Weird dream

Had a weird dream last night. A dream that involve my two elders, belfast fishing trip, loads of catch, fishcracker shirts, sudden dissapearance of everyone beside me, Allahuakhbar shouts, and a flight back home to my angry and devastated parents. Details will not be shared. It was one of those dreams with mix of emotions that got me up and made me rethink about going back to sleep again.

I don't know what to think of this weird dream. So, I'm just not going to. Instead, in the shower, I thought of this line for me to put up on my wall.

"Remember the ultimate dream, do not slow down. Ever."

What is the ultimate dream? Jannatullah of course.
What is slowing me down? Syaitan and Jahilliyah.

I don't want to be one of those people who are just tired. Why tired? because they are running on one spot when people around them are actually running towards something. Only people who could let go of the Jahilliyah in them can actually run and run even faster to reach their ultimate destination.

Only Allah knows.

Something at the side:

The good old nasyid from Raihan. btw, did you know that nasyid di Malaysia sgt lah lemah lembut while in some other countries, nasyid mereka adalah sgt bersemangat dan agresif. Bukan nak kata nasyid mana satu lebih baik tapi kalo nak bersemangat betul2, cuba try explore nasyid negara2 lain. Mantap lah.


- post about Belfast trip is late since I have not received pictures from my mates yet.
- a lot of lab work lately. working late till night.
- subuh is really a challenge in the summer. makes me consider going back home for Ramadhan but probably can't since I most definitely have a lot of lab work by then. uhuh.
- Wimbledon tennis 2009 telah bermula. Sofe ajak turun London tapi mcm takleh je because sibuk dgn lab work. uhuh lagi.

- jikalau ayam di Malaysia dibawa ke UK time summer, adakah ia akan berkokok di pukul 3 pagi? ie subuh masuk waktu pukul 3am and sunrise 4.40am now.

best2 yeah!


yazid said...

tak pernah tau lak yang ada nasyid yang bersemangat, selalu nasyid aku dengar ni, em, mendayu2
selalu aku dengar waktu nak tido, then terus ttdo je
tapi skrg kan, kat msia, cam lembab je industri nasyid ni, tak mcm zaman2 dulu da

Naqiuddin Zairi said...

lagu utk tido rupanya...hehe

aku actually tak ikut sangat perkembangan nasyid di Malaysia.lagu2 nasyid pun aku byk dapat tau dari org lain.huhu.