Thursday, June 02, 2011

There is a secret, can you keep it?

Ini bukan post pasal citer yg Furzani ske tgk tu... ahaks.

Secret Halal Meat:

Rupa2nya byk supply halal meat. Tapi cuma kita je yg tak tau. huhu.
Bagus la juga in a way priest/org kristian ni nak transparency dlm asal usul daging makanan. Meaning kalau betul byk supply daging halal, lagi senang la nak hidup kat UK ni.

Teringat 1:
- ada org tu kata yg boleh aje makan daging ayam yg tak sembelih kat UK, asalkan baca bismillah before eating... hmm... nampaknya tak valid lah sbb makanan halal quite easy to get.

Teringat 2:
- sebelum fly pernah org cerita (cikgu kut), yg budak2 melayu oversea dulu makan aje kfc and sbgnya walaupun tak halal. kata mereka: "Janji bukan babi". hehe. Org2 yg pandai tapi kurang pandai.

Teringat 3:
- Daku diberitahu bahawa Dr Yusuf Qardawi rasany pernah keluarkan fatwa yg boleh aje makan makanan yg bukan sembelihan muslim. Guna dalil Quran and Hadith. Very appealing tapi masih juga tak valid utk kita sbb makanan halal agak easy to get. huhu. Details on that fatwa kena cari sendiri la ye.

- Kenapa kita kena sembelihkan haiwan2 ini utk kita halalkan pemakanannya? Adakah benar kata priest itu yg daging halal adalah daging sembelihan from worship?

Terbayang: adakah reaction dia serupa dgn kita, kalau kita amik makan oren yg digunakan oleh org cina yg letak di tokong2 sembahan mereka?

Firman Allah bermaksud:
"Hai sekalian manusia, makanlah yang halal lagi baik dari apa yang terdapat di bumi, dan janganlah kamu mengikuti langkah-langkah syaitan, kerana sesungguhnya syaitan itu adalah musuh yang nyata bagimu.

Sesungguhnya syaitan itu hanya menyuruh kamu berbuat jahat dan keji, dan mengatakan terhadap Allah apa yang tidak kamu ketahui."

(Al-Baqarah: 168-169)



Anonymous said...

I think its rather crude to justify the scholars opinions on this just based on the availability of the halal meat. when you say "its not valid" upon an opinion, does it mean that the opinion is not correct so it is not halal or it is not practical? Personally, having studied many opinions on the halal issue or zabiha meat, i take the scholars opinion eg Dr Yusuf Qardawi that it is halal for us to eat. Just that since we have better option of easy-to-find halal meat, so it is best to eat that is known to be a source from muslims community.

Naqiuddin Zairi said...

hmm,anon danon?

firstly, I am the last person to know what fatwa to follow, to give out fatwa, to say what fatwa is better than the other. May Allah bless all the scholars for their strive to think about all the fatwa for the better of mankind.

you are so true. but let me justify that when I wrote "tak valid" it is simply because that halal meat is so easy to find in Manchester that why would you want to seek food that have unknown status? Avoid syubhah (the unknown)!

Please know, that "tak valid" does not mean that I said Dr Yusuf Qardawi's opinion is not correct or not practical. By all means, if someone wants to follow that fatwa, go ahead, make sure he/she understands it first. Don't just follow an opinion blindly. Must know why the scholar give out that opinion or fatwa.

I guess I have to be more clear in my sentences? But i do like to say crude unclear stuff in my blog. huhu. my blog is not a source for good valid information.

Anonymous said...

Alhamdulillah. I just want to clarify your point when reading your post. Anyhow, may Allah bless us muslims with abundance of knowledge and helping us to apply it in our lives. Ameen.