Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Nurul Huda - A person I love

This is a story about a girl. A girl who turned into a women and soon into a wife. hoho. Siapa Nurul Huda ni? Well, please let me tell you. I shall tell you as best as I can.

She is the sweetest person that I have ever met! She is absolutely stunning with her own style that is always so cool! She loves her friends and her friends love her too! I honestly can say that I LOVE her!

Ini dia Nurul Huda:-

I call this picture, Nurul Huda: thinking of a lovely whooper for dinner.

Another picture:

This was when she graduated from UPM. Beside her is her lovely young sister. Love her too!

And yeah! I also know her family. She has the most darling family. They are very fun, and they always remember their roots. Down to earth, I should say. uhuks!

Picture of Nurul Huda with her two brothers and her dad:

Nurul Huda's was born on 14th April. She was born in Kota Bharu, Kelantan (like me). She is the eldest of 4 siblings. She also has a boyfriend, soon to be tunang and husband. tahniah2! (who is this lucky person?) I am a little bit sad that I could not celebrate her birthday in Malaysia. huhu


May Allah bless you in this dunia and the hereafter. Amiin.


I don't know if it worked, but to those who thought this was my girlfriend. My comment to you: SUCKER!

That was not right. Not right at all. Sorry people. Sincere apology. huhu. I don't think anyone would fall for it anyways. I should have emphasized the LOVE~~

Anyways, I want to put more pictures of Nurul Huda a.k.a. Kak Uda. But, I apparently don't have much pictures of her. pretty sad. Btw, about all the info that I put before - they are true. The love? sibling love of course. huhu. She is getting married to Abg Shah, insyaAllah. I can't give much info on him, but I heard he is a nice guy. hehe. I do make doa for her happiness though. May Allah grant you guys happiness.

And happy birthday again Kak Uda. Hope you like this post.

x0x0 best2 yeah!

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