Monday, April 27, 2009

BBQ Sunday

Sunday afternoon, daku went to this bbq event. It was a wonderful day for bbq and outsisde activities. Alhamdulillah. BBQ ini telah dikendalikan di Platfields, sebuah park yg agak besar dan best utk outside activites. Nothing much to say so here are two pictures. I unfortunately, did not take any pictures myself, so had to request these pics from others.

The food that was barbaqued. Ayam, lamb ribs, burgers, hotdogs. Daku bawa sweetcorn sedikit utk jamuan.

The people that attended. And yeah, they rock. Muslims brotherly love -we bonded.yeah.

Now back into the week. This week is health and safety week. Monday tak pegi office. Tuesday baru akan attend these safety lectures. I need to still write a few more. uhuh

Ya Allah, permudahkan lah utk hamba2 mu ini.

Nasihat of the day: Bacalah Quran setiap hari.

best2 yeah!

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