International trip kali ni adalah ke Blue John Cave dan Bakewell di Peak District. Tapi atas sokongan majoriti, we end up pergi ke Speedwell Cavern instead and menaiki boat dlm gua. Agak menarik. Trip ini daku pergi bersama kakEja, kakWan, Nazmi, Bee Lynn, Halida, Dini and hubby beliau, Wira who flew from Jakarta.
The pictures above shows us taking pictures at the Winnats Pass. Speedwell Cavern is located just before entering this pass. We did not enter this pass though. Kalo pergi Blue John Cavern, akan lalu lah.
From the pictures you can see us getting on the boat to go through the small tunnels. Thank God for the safety helmets because my head got hit from ceiling of the cave numerous times. The tunnel was really small. We were told that children worked on the tunnels. They were "minors". hehe. Sedih juga when we found out that the average life span of a miner was 28 years. Mining was a very hazardous job.
Setelah menjelajah cavern tersebut, kami dibawa ke Bakewell. Daku and kakWan and kakEja pernah dtg ke tempat ini dahulu kala bersama Saddiq and kakRokh. Kami jalan2 sahaja di tempat ini. Ada yg makan Bakewell Pudding, ada yg membeli belah pinggan cawan dan ada yg lepak di kedai2 menuman. Daku bersama Nazmi hanya jalan2 and lepak bersama hot choc dan cheesecake je. yeah.
Kami juga ada jumpa tempat tourist centre Bakewell yg mana cerita pasal history Peak District. Tak baca sgt sbb malas mengetahui. Tangkap gambar2 aje di tempat itu. Last picture adalah comparison saiz lembu and one pound. huhu.
Itulah dia trip international office Nottingham University. Daku sempat juga menziarah rakan2 di Dunkirk dan juga abgWan, kakYus and Amirul di SB. InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki, kita berjumpa lagi.
- Ingatan kepada mereka2 yg susah bangun subuh: Bangun la wei! Solat subuh! Jangan subuh Gajah!
- Alarm yg annoying, tapi quite effective: OnlineClock. Tapi kalu nak guna ni, takleh la tutup laptop malam2. uhuh.
- Are we liberated muslims? In a way yes. But in most ways no. This is what I think (perlu hujah lagi sebenarnya, tapi malas). I think the sentence should be: I am liberated by the real Islam, mankind are liberated by Islam.
best2 yeah!
1 comment:
Thank you, Naqiuddin, for using our alarm clock!
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