Tadi pegi makan di Jamuan MCOT di Moss Side. Jumpa lah manusia2, lama dan baru di Manchester. It was good fun.
Daku tak menangkap gambar la tadi. I don't know why, but lately, mmg kurang menangkap gambar. I guess things are getting less interesting for me. I find this to be quite saddening. huhu.
Gambar pelajar2 final years di Manchester. Kadir adalah husband Zaatil dtg dari Mesir. Dentistry and Medics rasanya dlm pic ni. Its the only pic I took. Kurang semangat lah. uhuh.
Banyak je perkara2 yg telah berlaku lately. Just tak sempat nak share in this blog of mine.
Malam raya, rumah ke rumah bertakbir:
Freshers yg baru sampai, makan2 dan bermesra di Zilal:
- Esok mahu main tennis, ntah boleh jadi atau tidak. Hope tomorrow would not be too cold for playing.
- Cuaca sejuk, sneezing season is here.
- Seronok jumpa 2 org Malaysian di faculty. Sorang PhD first year and the other PhD third year.
- kena menulis sbb first year transfer report is due in end of November. I aim not to hand it in late.
- Innalillah kepada cikgu Yahya. (Is this the correct way to announce this sort of news?rasa mcm agak rude and tak betul je. uhuh)
- supervisor asyik outstation je. harap2 ini tidak sgt mengganggu progress daku.
best2 yeah!
nice writing...keep it up!
yup, everybody was been buzy lately...hectic!..anyway just wanna share some gud news with you..alhamdulillah i will become a lecturer for UiTM Kelantan kampus machang early this december..now just waiting for offer letter from them since it is pending due to my senat letter was not yet release by uum as my master convocation wll be held only on march next year..it quite annoying as i need to deal with this two university in order to settle the issue..hope everything gonna be alrite in shortly..will report my duty early december..then second gud news alhamdulillah my master tesis have been choosen by my supervisor to be presented at international conference paper at egypt, im become the co-author in this case huhu not a presenter ( stil tak layak lagi)huwawawa..so hectic n buzy to prepared all those thing...anyway pray for me ya...semoga semuanya dimudahkan..amin
to Pujen: thanks, mcm byk merapu aje lah. haha.
to Damia:
Alhamdulillah, you have been doing very excellent in your studies. Congratulations on everything, I am very sure that you deserved it. Aku tak pernah pegi Mesir lagi. best nye.
All the best. I pray that Allah permudahkan segala urusan2 kita, insyaAllah.
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