Monday, November 16, 2009

Cover your mouth

Jumaat lepas, solat di MRI Hospital. Ada prayer room dlm ramai org muslims yg berkumpul utk solat Jumaat. I was not feeling that well with hidung tersumbat and coughing. While I was on my way out of the hospital, I started to cough. A nurse behind me called out "Could you cover your mouth please". I turned and immediately said "Sorry!". Continued coughing, covering my mouth with my hands.

These hygenic hand rubs can be found everywhere in the hospitals, especially at the doors before entering any wards. It is great that they have these. I got my hands cleaned from my cough with this before I got out of the hospital.

At home, went googling and found this: Cover your cough poster. Apparently covering your cough or sneeze with your hands is wrong. You should instead cover it with your upper sleeves if you don't have any tissue with you. huhu. Now I know.

Whitworth Park and Ziarah Rumah:
Sunday lepas was a good day to go out. Glad that I did. But not that happy when I think about all the work that I could be doing if I didn't. Tried not to think about it too much. huhu. Tapi overall, it was a good fun day out :)

Ahad itu daku pergi ke rumah kakSyida and abgAwie. Menziarahi keluarga angkat miss Pujen. Jumpa la anak2 ewan, farah and farhana. Bermain wii dan melihat dgn kekaguman koleksi furniture, dishware and bunga2 batu. Hasil scavenging di carboot, ebay dan di merata2 tempat di UK. Padat rumah dgn berbagai perkara2.

- hidung mmg senantiasa berhingus sekarang. batuk pula sudah mula berkahak. uhuh
- first year transfer report masih lagi in kritikal mode.
- esok ada presentation la plak.
- meeting with supervisor and advisor tak schedule lagi. dan ini kena la cuba buat sebelum SV outstation lagi. huhu.
- ticket flight bulan 6 tahun depan sudah boleh beli. tapi hanya setelah memberitahu SV masing2. insyaAllah this week.

"ya Allah, permudahkan lah urusan2 kami, berikan lah petunjuk dan kekuatan". Amiin

best2 yeah!


ihsan_huhu said...

swine flu ke ape oi?

Naqiuddin Zairi said...

i hope not. huhu.

take care.

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