Friday, March 19, 2010

Don't drink

Di UK ni, daku dikelilingi oleh mereka2 yg suka benar minum. Sampai advert2 pun kena nasihatkan untuk "drink responsibly". Adverts seperti ini:

Tensen benar apabila mereka2 yg mabuk ini menjadi pengganggu keliling alam. uhuh. Daku so far tiada insiden2 horrible sgt dgn org2 mabuk. Why? because I try to avoid going out at night when the drunks are all over the place. Di UK, alcohol abuse is a real problem.

Google -- found out that Monkeys too get drunk. Sengal benar.

Adrian yg org Mexico, berkata "Saya pun terperanjat yg org UK lebih kuat minum alcohol dari kami yg di movies selalu distereotypekan sebagai heavy drinkers". But I'm not going to lie. Some drunk people are funny. Sean (org UK) suka minum kerana "Saya minum kerana ia membuatkan saya lebih ceria". hmm...

Sudah byk kali Sean ajak org2 yg non-drinker minum. Daku pernah diajak sekali, tapi setelah menunjukkan bahwa daku adalah muslim yg lebih proper dari org2 muslim yg pernah dia jumpa, Sean berhenti mengajak daku minum. huhu. Menunjukkan perwatakan muslim yg baik?

Some logical reasonings why Islam prohibits alcohol drinking: Islam values the moral and spiritual health of a person as well as the physical well-being. Islam considers anything that interferes with the normal working mind and human senses that make people do things that are shameful and irresponsible as harmful. This includes alcohol drinking and drugs. Islam forbids the use, not just the abuse of these harmful substances. The benefit of doing this is greater than letting some so called "responsible" drinkers consume alcohol when too many of them had experienced "one glass too many" that made them the worsts of people. Alcohol is said to be the root of all evil for a reason.

-- teringat yg daku terminum alcohol semasa sakit2 hari tu. en Zaid belikan medicine yg contains alcohol. Medicinal alcohol? boleh ke?



ihsan_huhu said...

diorg sll ckp, kl xpernah mabuk, u xtau r ape rase happy.

the reality is, they need to be drunk to be happy, to be confident to pickup chix etc.

kite lg terel r dr diorg

Naqiuddin Zairi said...

hmm... agak best point itu. hehe.

terel gle lah daku ini sebenarnya ;)

thecolourispurple said...

haha selamba jer!