Monday, March 29, 2010

Why is it difficult?

Oh why oh why. I just feel that this is too difficult for me. Being in UK and doing this phD seems so illogical to me. From the very beginning it was not easy, since I myself was half-hearted to further my studies. I tried to stay on top of things but failed. I feel like I am kicking my legs as hard as I can but the water is so cold that it made my legs numb and I can barely get my head above the water to breath. Wow. I think I am depressed. For no reason I feel like crying. This sucks.

Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah. Astaghfirullah.

Ya Allah. Hilangkanlah segala runsing dalam diri hambaMu ini. Kuatkanlah semangatku untuk membetulkan niat dan terus berusaha ke arah mendapat keredhaanMu. Ya Allah, bantulah hambaMu ini. Amiin.

One thing I should mention that sayangku Furzani is the only good thing that is happening in my life right now. The only regret is that I may not be as up to the man that Furzani deserves right now. I am so sorry dear. I will muhasabah as like what you and other people say that I must really do. Fokus Naqiuddin. Fokus.

Lagu yang tiada kaitan:



thecolourispurple said...

“Maka sesungguhnya bersama kesusahan itu adalah kesenangan.” (Al-Insyirah: 5)

Bersabar lah yer..

ihsan_huhu said...

aku pon tgh runsing nih