Above is my monopoly game set that I love so much. Love monopoly. The picture was taken when I was playing the game with my siblings. Great fun. I actually bought the monopoly credit card all the way from US. I sucks though because I forgot to that the monopoly set that we had was in pound currency and not in dollars. Solution - get another monopoly set that uses US dollar currency! haha. I'll get it later...
Above is just me hanging around at pantai Port Dickson. Prove - watch the toes. hehe. I was trying to conquer my fear of swimming in the sea. I did not go far into the sea, just around 30m from my bag. I was alone. Nobody should try to conquer a fear alone. uhh. I was in PD to get my dad at his conference at Coral Resort - next to Mayangsari Resort where Maryam got married the other day, last week of the date picture taken.
The e-ticket to go to UK. I actually forgot to bring this paper to the airport on the day of flight. Stupid2. Apologies again to my family for all the trouble. The flight was great. Little to no complaints. Cabin not full - nobody is sitting between me and an indonesian woman. Got to sit near window. No need to pray on board because arrived just nice into fajr. No long queues especially since I misplaced my medical exam and I had to get x-rayed at the airport. huhu.
Left: One of the main buildings part of the University of Manchester.
Right: Fog. There was a fog the other day. Visibility 400-500m. It was also cold.
Me and Acap. Just walking around Manchester city. Arndale is the main shopping building in the city. I think. Have not explored the whole city.
This is the view from my window. Top floor. No real view. Yup, it kind of sucks. But I can take it. Contract is from 25th Jan to 12th Sept 2009. Hopefully I can get a good place for next year. InsyaAllah.
My view with snow! Love snow. Hate the cold. Heater in room is in full blast. It is still snowing now. And probably tomorrow too. Subhanallah.
Okay. Now, back to reading setakat mana yg mampu.
best2 yeah!
nih kl jumpe awek2 comel n nk kawen jgn lpe r story kat aku k!
tgk la camne. jodoh kita tak tau. hehe. tapi jgn tahan nafas.
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