The lecture hall was full and I was there with Haris. Owh, I should mention that this was a part of the Islamic Awareness Week by Manchester University ISOC. I did not get to go to any other event though. I was busy with reading and writing (in a way). And of course, last Wednesday, was a lazy day for me. Did absolutely nothing except laundry.
Picture: The desktops behind my work desk.
Kisah drama di office. Daku mahukan desktop di office. Supervisor kata boleh try guna desktop2 ini kerana telah lama and berhabuk and mcm tiada org guna. Daku contact IT service utk minta pertolongan utk reinstall OS. Minggu yg sama, kawasan desktop nampak mcm dikemas sedikit demi sedikit. Akhirnya dtg lah org IT utk reinstall OS one of the desktops. Lepas dia reinstall, muncul lah satu notice di computer itu that say something like: "Hey! Who do you think you are to do anything you want with this computer!!". Cuak daku. Rupanya mmg ada org sedang menggunakan computer tersebut. Daku meminta maaf kepada beliau, Shadi dari Syria. Beliau faham akan misunderstanding yg telah berlaku dan telah pun resolve problem computernya itu. Apparently dia ada backup, so alhamdulillah takde la total loss or whatever. Tapi daku tau, the incident was very annoying.
Sekarang beliau dah completely pindah ke meja belakang meja daku. Beliau baik. So mmg story gak la of how we met. haha. Anyways, learnt my lesson: make sure btul2 before doing anything. uhuh.
More and more:
- esok akan pergi Birm utk tgk All England final on Sunday
- supervisor meeting adalah oke2 dgn daku realise yg daku ini masih lagi ketinggalan and perlu step it up utk show my enthusiastic towards my research - tak nak result in MPhil!
- Baru chat dgn Hamzi, cikgu sekolah menengah ajar english maths kepada student form 2.
- Kalo daku cikgu, akan daku mahu take part: kelab sains and matematik, persatuan pengakap, sukan tennis and koperasi. That is me.
best2 yeah!
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