Sunday, May 17, 2009

Coffee for Friday

Last Friday, Fadwa (a fellow PhD student) brought some arabic coffee to the lab. She treats everyone with the coffee. My first time drinking arabic coffee. I can't say it was my taste. It has a distinctive taste, can't explain it. Does not taste funny though. hehe.

Inilah dia arabic coffee yg dihidang dlm cawan kecik.

Boleh baca sikit pasal arabic coffee di wikipedia.

Derang mention adatnya, mmg beri org minum sikit2 je. Dan kalo nak, minta lah lagi. Jikalau org offer, and nak politely cakap taknak, adatnya adalah menghulurkan cawan kecik ni dgn goyang2 sikit. hehe. alaa, mcm kat hotel or restaurant, kalo tak nak org refill air kosong tu, just politely place your finger at the top of the glass.

But of course, telling the person you don't want more also works.

Tak dapat nak tunjuk gambar org2 tgh minum coffee sebab Fadwa tak ske org tangkap gambar dia. uhuh. Don't know why, but quite dissapointing. Daku tak tanya kenapa takleh sbb malas nak debate and masa tu kena pegi solat Jumaat dah. I just deleted the pic. btw, Fadwa dari Arab Saudi and beliau pakai face veil. Kalo org tangkap gambar dia pun, tak akan dapat identify dia. hehe. (daku tiada niat utk kutuk anyone oke, just stating what I felt)


What do you call a king that is straight? - A ruler.

This is the most expensive ruler I have bought in my life. It is a metal ruler with some cork-like material on the back to stop it from slippering. I needed a metal ruler, and apparently this is the most cheapest I can find. uhh. Cost me 4 quid. Needed the ruler to help cut plastic sheets.

Akhirnya, sudah bermula outdoor experiment daku. Pictures above adalah polyurethane digantung di tali2. InsyaAllah, plastic2 ini akan di biodegrade oleh microbes dlm udara. Dlm masa 4 bulan, daku akan dtg kembali utk mengambil sample. Hopefully everything goes well according to plan.

I need help:
Ada tau tak website yg best utk sumber hadith2? Sesiapa yg tau, please tell me. I would really appreciate it.

best2 yeah!

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